14 April 2009

Tax Day 09 is here

It's here and I am sure the same people who waiting till the 9th hour last year did the same again this year. If you are in the category of those who actually received a refund worth mentioning, plan, save, and spend wisely. Before spending ALL the money at the first five stores you see in Soho or SoBe consider some other options. If there was only one lesson that the generation of today should have learned courtesy of this economic disaster, it should be to save till it hurts. Depending on what age group you are in or what phase you are in life, whether a student or full-time employee, the value of money is clear. Some may be trying to save for a new car or a first home, but some are trying to dig their way out of debt. If you are unable to properly manage your finances, seek help. Suzy Orman, is a personal finance expert with tons of accessible information and advice for various situations.

What ever the case may be spend a little and treat yourself while saving towards desired quality of life.

I'm listening to: John Legend-Green Light 

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